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8 Min Read

AI investment drives business value: New research shows what works

décembre 10, 2024 / Unisys Corporation

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Most organizations surveyed in our recent AI research expect AI to play a significant future role in their organizations.
  • Some seek AI partnerships to support them as they broaden their initiatives.
  • Employees can benefit tremendously from AI but more need the skills and experience to help organizations optimize adoption.
  • Fears of AI risks can stall implementation but setting usage guardrails can help.

A whopping 99% of executives consider AI adoption a competitive priority. So, what’s holding organizations back?

To find out, we conducted two complementary studies in spring 2024: a global survey with Ipsos of more than 2,000 managers and executives across the US, UK, Germany and Australia and a focused survey with PSB Insights of 250 US executives.

The findings, published in our report “The AI Equation: 2024 AI Business Impact Research,” were striking: 99% view AI as a competitive priority, 93% expect it to become a permanent organizational fixture and 89% anticipate increased AI usage in the coming year. However, organizations differ significantly in their implementation approaches and their realized benefits.

The research identifies four key findings that show how organizations successfully leverage AI today, with actionable strategies you can apply to your own AI initiatives.

Finding #1:  Organizations prioritize proven AI partnerships

Organizations realize that maximizing AI's benefits requires careful selection of technology partners and investments. Our research shows that organizations are becoming increasingly selective, prioritizing partners with demonstrated results: 80% look for measurable benefits, 73% value proven integration history and 46% prioritize established industry presence as their top criteria.

As AI initiatives expand, with 60% of organizations planning broader implementation within three years, they’re measuring impact through:

  • Operational efficiency (52%)
  • Employee productivity (50%)
  • Cost savings (46%)

The stakes are high: effective AI implementation can significantly enhance organizational value, while poor execution can impede growth. Success hinges on implementing solutions that address specific workplace challenges and deliver clear, measurable results.

“With the right strategy, use case and focus, organizations that deploy AI will thrive,” said Unisys Vice President and Global Practice Leader Brett Barton.

Success strategy: Seek partners that provide measurable results and leadership both inside and outside your organization to drive your strategy.

Finding #2: AI adoption drives career growth opportunities and loyalty

Employees are among AI's most significant potential beneficiaries in terms of job creation and satisfaction. In fact, 61% believe AI will lead to new jobs (39% think it will decrease jobs). Approximately 71% of respondents say AI has already increased their job satisfaction, and 85% expect it will do so in the future.

According to our survey, the day-to-day lives of employees improve because of how AI helps them:

  • Streamline mundane tasks (84%)
  • Provide a trustworthy source for accurate and reliable information (74%)
  • Increase day-to-day productivity (83%)
  • Accelerate career progression by gaining AI skills (79%)

A financial services senior manager told us AI will make their job significantly easier. “AI will save time performing my duties, which will allow more time for career development.”

Success strategy: Prioritize employee success with AI to retain them and turn them into your best advocates for the technology.

Finding #3: Employees lack the skills and experience to optimize AI use

While organizations increasingly embrace AI technology, a critical talent gap is developing as companies struggle to find employees with the necessary AI expertise and experience.

Approximately 69% of managers and 75% of executives say they don’t have enough employees with the requisite experience and skills to use AI effectively. Other factors that can help you optimize AI use include:

  • AI leadership: 86% of organizations with a chief AI officer (vs. 68% without) report significant time savings using AI.
  • AI training: 82% that train employees on how to use AI tools and platforms (vs. 54% that don’t)
  • Comprehensive strategy plan: 82% that have developed a plan for AI use (vs. 57% that haven’t)
  • AI implementation lead: 80% of those that have identified an employee or team to oversee AI implementation (vs. 67% that haven’t)

These factors point toward the importance of effective implementation in realizing AI's full potential. Unfortunately, 67% of executives surveyed say their organization’s implementation is moderate or minimal.

Success strategy: Provide employee training in technical knowledge and implementation capabilities for more successful adoption.

Finding #4: Strategic guardrails can accelerate AI implementation

Nearly two-thirds of executives (62%) predict AI will one day be a more impactful innovation than the internet. However, the value derived is impacted by tolerance for risk. While 49% of risk-takers surveyed report a higher level of AI adoption than their competitors, only 19% of those who are risk-averse can say the same.

Inaccurate AI output (82%) tops their list of concerns, along with difficulty determining output trustworthiness (73%) and AI-generated content that reveals proprietary information (72%).

To counter these risks, organizations are establishing guardrails for AI use. These include training staff on AI use (58%), setting guidelines for external AI use (54%) and increasing the monitoring of AI use (53%). Preparation is key, according to one survey respondent.

“Similar to the Industrial Revolution, the full extent of AI’s impact is unknown, but businesses must stay flexible and prepared for the changes ahead,” said a UK tech industry worker in the survey.

Success strategy: Address risk management proactively and balance AI implementation speed with strategy.

Read more executive perspectives on AI

As AI adoption accelerates, organizations are discovering clear strategies for success. For detailed insights and practical guidance on maximizing AI's impact in your organization, download our comprehensive report.

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