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Unisys Recognized as Leader in Avasant’s Digital Workplace Services 2024 RadarView™

Practice maturity, innovation in emerging technologies and partner ecosystem earn global tech company “Leader” title for the third consecutive year

BLUE BELL, Pa., October 9, 2024 – Unisys (NYSE: UIS) has been named a leader in Avasant’s Digital Workplace Services 2024 RadarView™. Unisys earned this recognition for its persona-based digital workplace services and continuous focus on enhancing the employee experience driven by AI innovation.

“Unisys is dedicated to transforming the modern workplace with innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate remote and hybrid workers and physical spaces with digital technologies,” said Patrycja Sobera, senior vice president and general manager, Digital Workplace Solutions, Unisys. “We support our clients as they adapt to evolving work environments and achieve greater productivity and security in their operations.”

Key strengths cited in the report:

  • Practice maturity: Unisys offers AI-driven digital workplace services to enhance and measure employee workplace experience and boost frontline worker efficiency. The company integrates generative AI (Gen AI) into its Service Experience Accelerator, improving productivity with precise chatbot responses, knowledge management and automation.
  • Investments and innovation: In partnership with Microsoft, Unisys offers Microsoft 365 Copilot advisory services and has created a state-of-the-art Gen AI factory to enhance enterprise search and knowledge management. The company plans to broaden its focus to human and physical workspaces, using data to drive insights that improve business and HR performance. Additionally, Unisys will leverage ServiceNow to automate workflows across HR and finance, further advancing its innovative solutions beyond IT.
  • Partner ecosystem: Unisys continues to cultivate strategic partnerships with key platforms such as ServiceNow, VMware and Google to provide its clients with unified endpoint management, omnichannel support and cybersecurity. These partnerships enable access to corporate data from any device, support bring-your-own-device models and deliver multilingual training. The company also enhances digital services with a focus on enterprise management solutions.

“Employee experience remains a top priority in digital workplace services. Enterprises are shifting from SLA-based pricing models to XLA-based models that link employee experience to business outcomes,” said Avasant Research Director Gaurav Dewan. “Unisys offers experience-as-a-service solutions, leveraging predictive analytics and automation to continuously monitor and measure employee sentiment. Its commitment to enhancing employee experience through its portfolio of proprietary solutions and partner initiatives using technologies, such as Gen AI, has secured its position as a leader in Avasant’s Digital Workplace Services 2024 RadarView.”

Click here to learn more about the Avasant Digital Workplace Services 2024 RadarView™.

About Unisys 

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world’s leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what’s possible for more than 150 years, visit unisys.com and follow us on LinkedIn.


Heather Gries, Unisys, +1 484-319-1404



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