Treating all persons with respect
Unisys aims to act as a responsible employer globally, acting fairly in its labor and employment activities, and to conduct business in an ethical and sustainable way for its stakeholders including employees, customers, partners, and across the supply chain.
Labor and Human Rights
In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Unisys Corporation, including all of its worldwide subsidiaries (“Unisys”) bases its human rights policy commitment on the International Bill of Rights and the International Labor Organisation’s Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This commitment is strengthened through the Unisys Global Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
Therefore, Unisys prohibits the use of any and all forms of child, forced or involuntary labor (as further described in our Modern Slavery Statement (below)): all employment must, in accordance with local law, be freely chosen and comply with applicable employment laws which include appropriate wage, reasonable work hours, compensation, overtime, benefits, paid holidays. Unisys further recognizes the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining for all associates.
Through Unisys’ internal programs and via associate representatives in certain jurisdictions, Unisys aims to achieve open communications with associates globally across various channels. In the event that concerns are identified or made aware to Unisys, these will be investigated and addressed. Where necessary, corrective action will be taken.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: Treating all persons with respect
Unisys is pleased to present our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. Unisys strongly opposes slavery and human trafficking and will not knowingly support or conduct business with any organization involved in such activities.
This statement covers the actions Unisys has taken to ensure a zero-tolerance position towards modern slavery and human trafficking within any part of Unisys business or in any part of the Unisys supply chain.
Headquartered in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, Unisys is a global information technology company that specializes in providing industry-focused solutions integrated with leading-edge security to clients in the government, financial services, and commercial markets. Unisys offerings include security solutions, advanced data analytics, cloud and infrastructure services, and application server software. Founded in 1816, Unisys has a proud history of innovation enhancing people's lives. Unisys is a publicly-traded company and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol UIS.
Unisys Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Unisys respects individual human rights and requires that our business partners do the same. We recognize our responsibility to protect human rights globally and to provide a fair and ethical workplace for our associates.
Unisys does not engage in or permit, condone or otherwise accept the use of child labor or any form of slavery and/or human trafficking by its associates, business partners, agents, or other entities with whom Unisys does business.
Therefore, all forms of slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, and child labor as defined by applicable law are prohibited within the Company's operations, including in our supply chain.
Unisys Commitment
The Unisys commitment to treating all persons with respect and preventing modern slavery and human trafficking is reinforced by these actions:
- Statements against human trafficking, forced labor, and child labor consistent with this statement in the Unisys Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
- Compliance with all local and international labor laws where we do business and operate.
- Due diligence on its existing and future potential third-party business partners to screen for existing or potential human trafficking violations.
- A Unisys Compliance Helpline for our associates, business partners, and third parties to obtain guidance on potential ethics issues or to report any ethics violations. Reports are handled by the Compliance & Ethics Office in confidence and with a commitment to protect reporting parties from retaliation.
- Associates complete mandatory annual training and certification of compliance with our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
- Targeted training on human trafficking risks, and awareness communications to all associates annually.
Unisys is committed to obtaining parts and supplies from businesses that share our values regarding human rights and ethical practices.